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Faction Athletics Carnival - Jumps and Throws (1-6) and Kindy A sprints and tabloids

Faction athletics jumps, throws, 200m and 400m (yr 1-6)

Kindy A Sprints and Tabloids


Event Date 14-10-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 14-10-2024 2:30 pm
Individual Price Free
Year 5 Scitech Challenge

Today, eight of our Year 5 students will be attending the Scitech Challenge day. 

Scitech Challenge Days provide students with an opportunity to represent their school in a friendly competition where they use their 21st Century skills to solve a real-world problem.

Selected students will be given permission forms early in Term 4. 

Event Date 14-10-2024 8:30 am
Individual Price Free
Year 5 Parliament House Excursion (Room 11, Room 22 and Room 54)

Today, the Year 5 students in Rooms11, Room 22 and Room 54 will visit Parliament House, to enhance their learning of the year 5 HASS Curriculum. Permission slips and information will be sent home with students at the start of term 4.

Students will catch public transport to and from the excursion.

Students will need to wear their school uniform, appropriate footwear for walking in and a hat. They will need a small backpack with packed lunch, water bottle, clip board and pencil.

Below are the individual class social stories about this excursion. 

Room 11

Room 22

Room 54

Event Date 15-10-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 15-10-2024 2:30 am
Individual Price Free
Year 5 Parliament House Excursion (Room 10 and Room 20)

Today, students in Rooms 10 and 20 will visit Parliament House, to enhance their learning of the year 5 HASS Curriculum. Permission slips and information will be sent home with students at the start of term 4.

Students will catch public transport to and from the excursion.

Students will need to wear their school uniform, appropriate footwear for walking in and a hat. They will need a small backpack with packed lunch, water bottle, clip board and pencil.

There is a social story for Room 10 and Room 20.

Event Date 17-10-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 17-10-2024 2:30 am
Individual Price Free
Faction Athletics Carnival Yr P-6 and Kindy B tabloids and sprints

Faction athletics track and team events (PP-6)

Kindy B Sprints and Tabloids


Event Date 18-10-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 18-10-2024 2:30 pm
Individual Price Free